Research at IAE Lille

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Le LUMEN : Lille University ManagemENt

LUMEN is a research unit (ULR 4999) created on January 1, 2021. It brings together teacher-researchers and PhD students in management sciences from the University of Lille.

The research conducted within LUMEN is organised around a common theme – changes in organisations and management systems in the face of a changing world – in connection with I-SITE’s hub 4 ‘Changing cultures, societies and practices’. Given the team’s expertise in digital technology, health and CSR, sustainable development and circular economy policies, the research carried out at LUMEN also contributes to other I-SITE hubs.

Attached to the PhD school of Legal, Political and Management Sciences (ED 74), LUMEN is structured in 6 axes:

With more than 90 researchers and a similar number of PhD students, mainly attached to IAE Lille University School of Management but also to other University of Lille units, LUMEN conducts ambitious international research programmes in touch with the important challenges facing our societies.

ARTE axis: Resource allocation and company trajectories

CCM axis: Consumption, culture and markets

DHAMI: Human development, managerial alternatives and innovations

GRAF: Governance and regulation of financial activity

MTD axis: Transformative marketing, distribution

SOIE axis: Strategy, organisation, innovation and entrepreneurship